Wednesday, August 22, 2007

First Sushi--August 22,2007

Is there nothing more adorable than a child's very first taste of sushi? Noah officially has culture now. He would probably be embarrassed by me telling you that even though it was "te-maki-zushi", he didn't roll his own and Mom had to help him. We're not concerned though. He'll learn soon enough.

Another phenomenon we've noticed is humming while eating. The more Noah approves of the menu, the more he hums. It makes his mom work really hard making the food good, so that we can all enjoy the hums of delight. His first sushi was accompanied with LOTS of humming.
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1 comment:

Sacha Bikhazi said...

This is our favorite post EVER! HA HA HA HA HA! We love you guys! Oh, and Jacob hums when he eats sometimes too. I'll have to pay closer attention to see if there is an association with the yumminess level.