Friday, November 2, 2007

I actually did it. I finally ran a 5K and ran every step of the way. I started running only a few months ago and had trouble running for even one minute. I increased my time gradually under the tutelage of Jennifer Bair (left) and worked up to about 30 minutes running three times a week. We decided to do this race in American Fork close to Halloween (hence the costumes) and was happy that Shauna Dunn (right) was also running in the race. She supplied me with some fairy wings (not pictured). Shauna also beat my time by about 12 minutes--of course.

How was the race you ask? Yeah, that. Well, let's just say I had never run up a hill before in my life and the race was basically through the foothills of American Fork and through the cemetary. Let's just say I am aware of muscles now that I never thought I had. I was hoping to finish in about 36 minutes, but the race took me almost 49 minutes, by far the longest, most gruelling run I've ever done.

When we could see the lights at the finish, Jennifer started yelling at me to not give up and run even faster. At that point, my whole body hurt and I thought I was dying, but was somehow able to kick it in and was running at what I thought was a pretty good clip when Lars saw us. He came and cheered me on and took pictures. He was especially pleased to see that I was really sweating. He got even more pictures of my armpits. Fascinating. The only thing that bothered me, now that I think about it, was how easily Lars was able to run ahead of me and take picture of me in motion. I thought I was really bookin' it! How did he catch me?

Will I ever do it again, you ask? Last weekend I would have answered no. This week is a maybe. And as long as Jennifer Bair is my neighbor, there is probably no way around it. I'm a runner now.
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Russell and Jillian said...

Debbie, you look FANTASTIC and BEAUTIFUL!! Seriously, you look great and look like you're enjoying life. Maybe it's the thrill of finishing that race. Way to go!! That's awesome. Thanks for sharing.

Lars Rasmussen said...

Crud, now I gotta start running.