Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Proposition 8--Too Close to Home


This is the link to the online version of the story done on the front page yesterday of the Sacramento Bee featuring my sister Pam and her husband's support on proposition 8 in California. We need to have positive comments posted to the website! You will have to become a member of the Sacrament Bee by registering online for free. Then they will allow you to post your comment. This is so important! Yesterday when the story hit, there were 193 comments, most of them negative and then the comments were closed. This morning when I looked at it, there were no comments and it allowed me to submit one!

If you are not already familiar with the online newspaper culture, the words written in the article only serve as a starting point for online discussion. The readers take it from there and the comments become even more interesting and informative than the article itself. Can you help me blast the Sacrament Bee with positive, intelligent feedback today?

If you need to educate yourself more on the issue, my other sister, Sharon Slater, has been on the front lines of the pro-family fight at the UN and has condensed a chapter of her upcoming book into some talking points that may be helpful:


I am inviting everyone I know to read the embedded resources, login to the Sacramento Bee, and leave a POSITIVE comment. If everyone helps, we could close the comments for the day on a POSITIVE note.

Please pray for my sister and her family. The negative backlash of this article is intense and she had to go get her son Caleb from school yesterday because of 10 separate threats from other children. They have worked hand in hand with the church public affairs department in agreeing to be interviewed by such a large newspaper and the paper included almost NOTHING that my sister actually said. If you are not familiar with a lot of the issues surrounding Proposition 8, view the short video on the following link. It is short and extremely informative:


Thank you in advance for your help! Proposition 8 in California effects all of us and we need to act NOW!


HomeschoolRulz3 said...

Thanks for posting this info. I'll go and do what I can. On a homeschool group up north a discussion ensued yesterday about Google supporting the Anti Prop 8 agenda. Ways to boycott Google where listed. Call me if your interested.


HomeschoolRulz3 said...

P.S. my new blog is found at www.ferrel5.wordpress.com

Amber said...

We made comments on the article last night.

I sent you an e-mail about making phone calls to California voters while we still have a chance to influence the acceptance of proposition 8. If you are able to make phone calls, I'll get you some #s.

Your sister's story is amazing.